bateau would like to give a shout out to this Pessoa anthology coedited by Bateau honcho Dan Mahoney and former bateau managing editor Gaby Gordon-Fox. give this book a spin if you’re not afraid of being delighted.


edited by Charles Cutler, Dan Mahoney & Gaby Gordon-Fox

an anthology of poets and writers reckoning with the symphony of being. (MadHat Press, 2025)

About In the Footsteps of a Shadow: Literary Responses to Fernando Pessoa 

Poets and writers in the US have been captivated by the Portuguese author Fernando Pessoa since Thomas Merton, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Edwin Honig, and Susan Brown began translating his work in the 60s and 70s. George Monteiro was instrumental, through his creative and scholarly work, in bringing Pessoa to wider audiences outside of Portugal and Erin Moure & Richard Zenith has been just as instrumental keeping those Pessoa fires burning. This anthology is the first of its kind and represents the huge influence Pessoa has had on the modern and contemporary literary scene. To that end, we have work from over one hundred poets and writers in this anthology. 

Pessoa once said, “To pretend is to know oneself.” He took this maxim to the extreme, creating upwards of eighty clearly defined heteronyms that wrote poetry and prose and interacted with each other, the world, and even their creator. These heteronyms were not pseudonyms or disguises but were the spiraling iterations of a person (“Pessoa” means “person” in Portuguese) who ultimately declared—in true Whitmanian form— “I only know myself as a symphony.” Pessoa is utterly contemporary in this time where authors create or dissolve identities at will, write novels on twitter, and plaster their avatars on social media walls. Kent Johnson considers the future of the culture industry when 10,000 heteronyms are writing to and about each other through time, “re-valuing, dis-assembling, re-making the canon… Heteronyms can float through the walls of the Museum at will.” But the work in this anthology also addresses questions how writers engage the variations of “self” internalized by the act of writing. As contributor Chris Merrill so succinctly puts it, “…the voices running through my lines seem to come from somewhere else, in the manner of his heteronyms. Pessoa taught me how to listen.” In this anthology readers will find writing that is playful, absurd, profound, and welcoming.

Pessoa in the current literary landscape. In 2017, New Directions published an expanded edition of The Book of Disquiet, Pessoa’s factless autobiography, and in 2020, New Directions came out with The Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro (a Pessoa heteronym). In 2021, Liveright (Norton) published Pessoa: A Biography a mammoth book written by Pessoa scholar and translator Richard Zenith. Not to mention all of the recent essays about Pessoa and his heteronyms one can find by just googling his name: New Yorker, Lithub, Hyperallergic, Entropy, The Millions, etc.

book launch/reading

come to the book launch and reading on Feb 1, 2025 in Shelburne Falls, MA. editors Charles Cutler & Dan Mahoney will be there as well as readers: Ellen Doré Watson, Marc Vincenz, Daniel Hales, Amy Dryansky, Frank Christmas, Craig Czury, and others…

Richard Serra’s FERNANDO PESSOA (detail)


Benjamin Kunkel  (intro)

Monteiro, George  (intro poem)

Accardi, Millicent Borges

Ansel, Talvikki

Ashton, Sally

Bakken, Christopher

Baller-Shepard, Susan

Barnstone, Aliki

Bassis, Aileen

Bernstein, Charles

Biespiel, David

Blaustein, Noah

Bolling, Doug

Browne, Jenny

Bradley, John

Buckley, Christopher

Burton, Sue D.

Carpenter, William

Carrillo, Albino

Christiano, Roberto

Christmas, Frank

Cigale, Alex

Cirino, Leonard

Collins, Billy

Czury, Craig

Davis, Jon

DeCarteret, Mark

Dolin, Sharon

Dryansky, Amy

Dunn, Stephen

Dutterer, J. Paul

Ehrenberg, Erica

Emanuel, Lynn

Espinoza, Joshua Jennifer

Feinstein, Sandy

Fillmore, Mary Dingee

Finkelstein, Deborah

Gaspar, Frank

Gastiger, Joseph

Ginsberg, Allen

Glenn, Laura

Goldstein, David B.

Gorrick, Anne

Gray, Robert

Green, Timothy

Haladay, Joan

Hales, Daniel

Hannaham, James

Hardy, Myronn

Harlan, Megan

Hendricks, Jeanette

Hoagland, Tony

Holland, Walter

Hoover, Paul

Huenemann, Charlie

Irwin, Jason

Jemc, Jac

Kalamaras, George

Kartsonis, Ariana-Sophia

Ladin, Joy

Levine, Philip

Lighthart, Annie

Lorenz, Johnny

Mahoney, Daniel

Maloney, Dennis

Margrave, Clint

Marvin, Cate

Mastores, Constance Rowell

Medeiros, John T.

Merrill, Christopher

Monteiro, George

Moss, Stanley

Moure, Eirin

Radavich, David

Rasmussen, Matthew

Ray, Jennifer Silke

Robinson, Elizabeth

Rogow, Zack

Rudman, Mark

Ryan, Kay

Sagan, Miriam

Samaras, Nicholas

Schneider, Ada Jill

Scrimgeour, J. D.

Seidel, Fredrick

Slate, Ron

Springtail, Ken

Starkey, David

Stephanie, S

Stein, D. L.

Stern, Gerald

Tagliabue, John

Tolides, Tryfon

Upton, Lee

Vaz, Katherine

Vincenz, Marc

Warren, Rosanna

Washer, Naomi

Watson, Ellen

White, Jackie

Williams, John Sibley

Yakich, Mark

Yates, Brenda

Yee, Amy